Welcome to Uganda Biodiversity Trust Fund

Thank you for looking us up! We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to conserving the environment by addressing the funding challenge to biodiversity conservation in Uganda. We mobilise, manage and channel financial resources to organisations that deliver conservation solutions to different communities. 

We are thankful to our current donors USAID and the European Union who have entrusted us with financial resources to contribute to building a resilient and climate safe Uganda. 

Are you ready to make a difference for our planet in your lifetime?  

Think of what you can do to conserve the environment. 

We invite you to check out our website regularly for updates and to continue to connect with us on our social media channels as we join hands to conserve for now and the future. We are just a click away! 

UBTF Key Priority Areas

Financial Resources Mobilization and Management

Given the dynamic changes in the biodiversity conservation environment, UBF will strengthen its funds mobilization capacity, maximize returns on investment as well as enhance effectiveness of availing funds to impact on Biodiversity Conservation.

Building a case for biodiversity and climate change

UBF will contribute to the reduction of biodiversity loss through increasing public and stakeholder appreciation and understanding of the linkage between Biodiversity and Climate Change.

Partnerships and collaboration

UBF will strengthen partnerships and collaborations for improved stakeholder engagement and service delivery. In this respect, UBF will continuously build relations with Government, the Private Sector, Civil Society, Academia, and other CTFs.

Institutional Strengthening

In order for UBF to continuously improve its operational efficiency, efforts will be directed towards institutional capacity strengthening. In this regard, UBF will strengthen its Governance, Systems, Processes and Human Resource capacity.

Our Partners