Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email *Q1. Proposed Project Title: *Q2. Thematic Areas *Tropical-subtropical forestsTropical-subtropical forestsTemperate-boreal forests & woodlandsShrublands & shrubby woodlandsSavannas and grasslandsDeserts and semi-desertsPolar-alpineIntensive land-use systems (agric., plantations and urban)Subterranean (freshwater or marine)Palustrine wetlands (flooded forests, wetlands, marshes, floodplains)Freshwater (streams, rivers and lakes)Transitional freshwater marine watersMarine shelfs (seagrass, reefs, subtidal)Marine - Pelagic ocean waters, deep sea floorsShoreline or Supralittoral coastal systemsBrackish tidal systemsSelect up to 3 areas of focus from dropdown list above. Q3. Proposed Budget *This would be formatted to allow only figures in UGXQ4. Geographical Area of Focus *Land/water protection (area/resource/habitat)Land/water protection (area/resource/habitat)Land/water management (area, invasive control, restoration)Species management (harvest, recovery, re-introduction, ex-situ)Education & awareness (incl. training)Law & policy (legislation, regulations, standards, codes, enforcement)Livelihood, economic & other incentives (incl. conservation payments)External Capacity BuildingSelect up to 3 Conservation Action Areas from dropdown list above.Q5. Threat Being Addressed *Residential & commercial (incl. tourism) developmentResidential & commercial (incl. tourism) developmentAgriculture & aquaculture (incl. plantations)Energy production & mining (incl. renewables)Transportation & service corridorsBiological resource use (hunting, gathering, logging, fishing)Human intrusions & disturbance (recreation, war)Natural system modifications (fires, dams)Invasive & other problematic species, genes & diseasesPollution (domestic, commercial, agricultural)Residential & commercial (incl. tourism) developmentGeological events;Climate change & severe weatherOther threatsSelect up to 3 threats being addressedPlease write this summary for a non-technical audience. *Duration (e.g. 2 years, 3 months): *2023/242024/252025/26Total AmountQ10a. Do you have matched funding arrangements? YesNoQ11. Problem the project is trying to address *Please describe the problem your project is trying to address in terms of biodiversity and its relationship with livelihoods. What is the need, challenge or opportunity? For example, what are the drivers of biodiversity loss that the project will attempt to address? Why are they relevant, for whom? How did you identify these problems? Please cite any evidence you are using to support your assessment of the problem (references can be listed in a separate attached PDF document).Q13. Methodology * Describe the methods and approach you will use to achieve your intended Outcome and contribute towards your Impact. Provide information on: • How you have reflected on and incorporated evidence and lessons learnt from past and present similar activities and projects in the design of this project. • The specific approach you are using, supported by evidence that it will be effective, and justifying why you expect it will be successful in this context. • Tow you will undertake the work (activities, materials and methods) • What will be the main activities and where will these take place. • How you will manage the work (governance, roles and responsibilities, project management tools, risks etc.). Please make sure you read the guidance documents before answering this question. Q19. Exit Strategy *How will the project reach a sustainable point and continue to deliver benefits post-funding? How could post-project scaling of the approach (if proven) be delivered: through new finance or through uptake by stakeholders or other mechanisms? Are there any barriers to scaling and how will these be addressed? How will the required knowledge and skills remain available to sustain the benefits? Checklist for submissionI have read all the Guidelines.I have read, and can meet, the current Terms and Conditions for this fund.I have provided actual start and end dates for the project.I have provided my budget based on UBF financial years i.e. 1 July – 30 June and in UGX.I have checked that our budget is complete, correctly adds up and I have included the correct final total at the start of the application.The application has been signed by a suitably authorised individual (clear electronic or scanned signatures are acceptable).I have attached the below documents to my application • My completed logframe as a PDF using the template provided • My budget (which meets the requirements above) • My completed implementation timetable as a PDF using the template providedI have included a 1 page CV for all the Project Staff identified at Question 31, including the Project Leader, or provided an explanation of why not.I have included a letter of support from the Local Council or an explanation of why not.I have included a signed copy of the last 2 annual report and accounts for the Lead Partner, or provided an explanation if not.I have checked the UBF website immediately prior to submission to ensure there are no late updates.Submit